Avatar X Street Fighter
by S. Gonzalez
The forest by the city limits of Republic City was beautiful around dusk, during autumn the sun gave everything a wonderful glow that enchanted Korra.
She stood on the bridge overlooking the large lake and yearned for adventure and folly. Most of all it's been days since she satisfied the most primal of needs. Her legs trembled at the idea of touching herself till it felt like all the elements churned at her fingertips and gave her the all over body sensation of lustful warmth.
There was no one around, seeing the park empty gave her a mischievous smile. Her stride took her deep into the woods to her secret place for some evening delight to herself. The log was just where she remembered it, along with the circle of trees that hid the clearing well. She laid next to the fallen trunk and placed her cloak on the ground. Slowly she felt her thin blur shirt and rubbed her pert nipples through the fabric. Maybe it was the chill in the air but they felt hard under her fingers and the sensation it gave to rub them in little circles aroused her greatly.
She focused on warming her hands with a touch of fire bending, and striped off her top to get better access to her breasts. The dark nipples were indeed excited and she grabbed one between her fingers for a nice squeeze. A small moan came to her lips as she played with her tits till the all too familiar sensation in her cunt told her to go further. Her pants took longer than she wanted but once nude the chilly air added to pleasure of nudity in the forest's clearing. Laying on her back she racked her palms from breast to stomach, using her art to warm her body and finally exploring the folds of her pussy under a soft lightly hairy muff.
With a finger she teased her clit, using a touch of water to get the juices flowing from inside her. For what seemed like hours she teased and played, sticking one then two fingers inside her, splaying them inside to cause a tingling to travel up her spine. Impatient for release she started to stick four of her fingers to stimulate that urge to cum, squeezing her clit between fingers and rubbing her muff for added sensation.
The ecstasy of being naked outdoors and the joy of playing with herself finally brought that release she yearned for. Her small cries and moans rustling nothing but her hair on the ground and a bit of sweat to her brow. Over and over she came, using a her earth bending to create a pillow under her head of soft dirt to cradle her head during her adventurous masturbation.
Without knowing she had fell asleep in a wonderful orgasmic nap, dreaming of a multitude of fingers and tongues going all around her body. Her nap was interrupted by a noise against the grass. Steady footsteps crept up towards her, she kept her eyes shut waiting till it was close enough to surprise and fight. Closer it crept, every crunch of grass and twig played on her ears. She rose quickly and readied her power, her naked body tense and ready for a fight. What she saw surprised her, in fact it was very startling to both of them. The being in front of her was a small boyish looking man with a extremely large penis that hung to the floor. he couldn't have been more than four feet yet his impressive, even monstrous, dick seemed to sway with a life of it's own. The interloper had very pale skin and his member bugling with purplish veins and an odd rosy hue.
"What the hell do you want?" He had the look of a mischievous youth, humping the air slightly and a strange smile on his cherub face. He responded by grabbing his cock and pointing at her with it. Her displeasure apparent, she reached into her core and drew forth streams of fire ready to attack if the small bastard decided to come at her. "I'm Eros," his voice unlike his appearance was that of a older and well educated adult, yet the look of lust and mirth on his face left her alarmed. ", and what the hell I wants is to fuck that sweet brown ass of yours till my name echos in these woods." He seemed unfazed by the growing volcanic fury of Korra's fire bending circling her hands and thighs. Running forward awkwardly with dick in hand, he went to reach for her. The wave of flame hit him square in the chest, knocking the small man on his ass. Yet, quickly he leaped back on to his feet and brushed off the grass from his behind, with a giggle and unscathed he once again made his way to her. The confusion of such an attack going wrong only fueled her to try water and earth to encase the fool till she could gather her clothes. it seemed he saw it coming and jumped straight in the air as the coffin of earth and tidal wave of water clashed slightly below the tip of his hanging penis.
High in the air he leaped, right towards her face he aimed his cock. In that instant time seemed to stand still as Korra remembered her energy bending. Quickly she grabbed at the incredibly long cock and out came the stream of her power. The result was a shock of blue on white light that seemed to explode from Ero's member.
Korra's last thought as the world spiraled in a vortex of energy and unconsciousness, was how very thick it felt in her hand.
to be continued....
Karanina: A Sims Social Romance
by Steven G.
There was something about her that attracted him so fiercely that his mind seemed tormented. It was not a harsh torment on any physical level, the emotions were burning him with passion.He stared into her eyes as the moonlight lighted their tender embrace, those wonderful grey swirling pools. She massaged his chest softly underneath the covers, her hair splayed out and a sheen of sweat on her forehead. He smiled at her beauty, when was it that he felt so bonded to her, by even her slightest touch? She wiggled around caressing his back and he bent down to kiss her deeply. His memories of their first meeting flooded his mind's eye, bringing additional warmth to their coupling.
That day was chilly and warm by the sunlight, autumn in the city's suburbs were quite nice for landscaping. He was just mowing the yard and tending to his plants when he first saw her. The house across from her had been vacant for several months, to see the moving van was a welcomed surprise. It was the curve of her butt in those grey tight sweat pants that drew his eyes, yet it was the way her face illuminated in the sun that brought the rapid thumps to his heart. "Want some help neighbor?" he spoke up as he crossed the street and waved in greeting. "Hi, I'm Karanina it's nice to meet the neighbors so soon, I just moved over from Ville City." Her radiant smile with the pout full red lips enchanted him in to stuttering over his words. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Steven and I'm glad to be the first to say welcome to the block!" She handed him the first of many boxes and without a second thought they unloaded the van in under a couple hours. Her voice had the fine quality of an angelic singer, that pleasant warmness was the same he felt in bed at the present moment. Once it was all inside and several boxes unloaded he invited her over his place for coffee. They talked for a very long time, she was so naturally friendly that it felt so easy to be himself around her. After she left and a nice goodbye, he knew that he would see her again and as the days flew by he was indeed right.
"Where do you want to hang out tonight?" Steven worked early in the day and she took up work at the local office several blocks from the newspaper building he was in. They shared lunches often and walked the city's park whenever they got off work. He would invite over whenever possible, she was great in the kitchen with him, it seem to come naturally for the both of them. Steven was working on a new column when she stepped into the living from the kitchen, the yoga mat and workout spot outside the door was used by the both of them every several days. When she would stretch and go into the Downward dog position, he always had to hide the raging hard on from her figure bend and reaching. Wiping herself off with the small towel, she plopped down next to him by the sofa next to the desk. "I dunno about tonight, that workout kinda got all me charged up but not for walking around the city." He took off his glasses and walked over to the sofa where he sat and stared into her eyes. Suddenly she wrapped herself around him in a very close and tender hug that it brought a slight blush to his tanned face. "Sorry if I smell a bit, but I just wanted to touch you. Something about tonight just feels...warm." She sensed his confusion and began to turn away when Steven held her still."I don't mind Karanina, in fact I've been waiting for this.." He kissed her, at first he worried that he was a bit to forward but she responded with such intensity that both started pawing at each other. "..want to hit the shower together?" She nodded eagerly and off they went to the bathroom, stripping clothes as they went.
The tiles were cold beneath their feet and as the shower warmed up they began to make out and exploring each other with their hands and mouths. Sweat and steam made them sticky as they opened the shower and got inside. he nibbled on her ear as she began to lather up the luffa between them. As the water washed over them, Steven held her close, turning her around with her back to his chest and started kissing her neck. The kisses he planted trailed from her neck, to her back and down her spine to her buttocks. On his knees he turned her around and buried his face deep into her muff. He nuzzled his nose against the velvet folds between her legs and she ruffled his hair as he explored. Cupping her ass he dove further and further into her, his tongue enjoying the sweet taste of her sex. Her gasps and low moans only fueled his lust and working his fingers in her to find that spot that made her squirm. Steven lifted her leg over his right shoulder to gain further access. He could feel Karanina's body shake and quiver with every stroke of her tongue. Rising from the floor of the shower he kissed her hard, the result of the mutual arousal showing as she reached down and stroked his shaft. "Not here baby, I want you in me on the bed.", she huskily whispered into his ear and turned off the water.
The memories stopped now on reaching the present where it was only them and the shaft of moonlight in the dark bedroom. She reached down and gripped his cock gently and started pulling it to full arousal. Steven grunted and gasped as she tugged and pulled his manhood, like a bull he snorted at such play. With a growl he inserted himself into her, the first thrust driven in gently but with a urgency to be deep into her. Inside, she squeezed her muscles around his dick, milking him with her lust. Now with a steady motion, their bodies intertwined as he rocked her upwards on to his hips. She leaned forward and sat on his thighs, arching her back and riding him to a rhythmic beat. Over and over she rode him, she grunted and held him close to her breast racking her nails down his back. "Yes baby, yes, right there!" Shuttering with ecstasy, she came over his balls with such force that the fruity smell of the stickily fluid drove him into a frenzy.
Flipping her over on all fours he entered her from behind. His crotch drove hard against her ass, smacking their thighs together, as his hands worked over her hair. He pounded her to a quicker motion, each thrust into her building a climax and causing sweat to pour down his forehead. With all the effort she couldn't stay in that position long, her head drooped down onto the pillow. With her hips in the air it gave him greater leverage to enter deep into her. Onward their lovemaking went, he grind-ed over and over and the moans grew louder with each move forward. "Almost there sweetie, I'm about to come!" Faster and faster their coupling continued, "Oh shit Steven! Me too, cum in me baby!"
He bit down on his lower lip, grunting with effort waiting for the right moment to finish. At last she wailed with pleasure and he grabbed her ass to pull himself deep into her. With a roar he came into her, the hot liquid shooting from him coursing it's way between them, spilling out of her on to to the bed. With twin sighs they collapsed in each other's arms.
They laid there for what seemed forever, her hair stuck to his shoulder and his chest heaving a bit heavily. She fell asleep after a time and he just looked at her sleeping form. His touch to her forehead to clear the loose strands of hair made her snuggle closer to his side. Exhausted he stared out the window, content and deeply satisfied they slept together and dreamed of each other.
The End
A Story of Fate

A Story of Fate
By S.Gonzalez
I have read my fortune,
as fate would have it,
it spoke of an emotional and psychic encounter,
There are deeper sides to Self that I know,

from sign to sign I go,
While walking on a winter's afternoon,

makes the known something to uphold,
I glanced again on that fortune,
And thus I discovered,
freewill and fortune are mine
By S.Gonzalez
Mother is God,
and she also returns to Light to create once more, Mother is life ,
in which we are created,
prana existing in all,
The light in darkness,
Love from a well spring of creation,
Egoless, selfless, and pure,
Mother is cherished above all in nature,
Mother provides the future.
6-26-13 "Through the eyes of the dusthermit"
A Question
By S.Gonzalez
What question would satisfy?
Where is the answer to,
something unspoken and uninspired?
Who could provide us ,
what our inner secret self is still questioning?
And yet I am comforted.
For what answer would ever,
which would satisfy my question,
to repeat itself in a sane order?
By S.Gonzalez
The rhythm flows through me,
the dancers are lively,
their bodies twist with the speed of my thoughts,
smoke is reeling, spurning my senses,
the ale flows and always makes
my thoughts turn syrupy slow,
breath is measured and in time,
the rhythm moves me again,
The room is shaking, spinning, turning,
feet starts it's tapping,
my heart now quickly rapping,
thing's look so very simple,
causing time to ripple,
the rhythm flows throughout the world,
the melody creating pulses,
the very jaws of creation and destruction,
the music is in my heart,
and with this, it shall never part.
Inside the Paradox
By S.Gonzalez
There is a palace with many rooms and countless they are and often astounding. There are inhabitants and each are different from the other.The people are called Many, and are spoken to by the Owner of this dimension. Yet mere specks are they, in the mansion called Paradox.
-It is said;
"The rooms are all different,
"The rooms are all different,
in size and shape and inspiration,
They are unique as are their makers,
Each Character has their own room,"
If that is so, then those who dwell within are unknowing or keeping silent. In this grand ancient mansion, only called Paradox, it's own secret.
"There are some that call it heaven,
While others damned,
feel only hell."
This too say the monks, it is often quoted.
All fear the demons, of that everyone knows to be true.
This too say the monks, it is often quoted.
All fear the demons, of that everyone knows to be true.
They are hunters,twisted by the demonic lords of Power and Greed. No one has ever seen them and lived. And yet, those who do are often they're mindless servants.
There is a leader to their Kind, he rides on spectral mount. "Beware the One," ancient tribesmen of the desert people have spoken. "He wears the Golden Mask, he rides in a swiftly fashion and keeps souls alive within his chest."
There is a leader to their Kind, he rides on spectral mount. "Beware the One," ancient tribesmen of the desert people have spoken. "He wears the Golden Mask, he rides in a swiftly fashion and keeps souls alive within his chest."
Each character is vulnerable and strong, just trapped by the splendor of each room. Yet venture on a darker path, and often it is said, many have been trapped. Trapped and bathed within the mansion of many rooms.
till the Huntsmen come. Either they kill you or they take you to the Golden Mask; and you must always learn to fear that day.
If you die within Paradox, you are returned in to the World. In the World you are a worker, and life is short. Often enough, only a very few souls come back from that. It's balanced and predictable,
in fact quite ignorant."You improve your character there,
Or destroy it," As again, the ancient tribe of hermits say.
"Until one day you find again,
That door which only waits,
when ready made you,
and you escape,
when ready made you,
and you escape,
Tossed and tumbled,
a Character again remembers,""Many always remember,
how they got there,
upon waking,
In those mazes,
In that Mansion,
In that Mansion,
in that twisted wonderful spiral,
called only Paradox."
called only Paradox."
Nightmares suck...
By S.Gonzalez
You open your eyes, and ask aloud ,"Where am I?"
The memory of anything before your arrival seems a fog of distant feeling and yet it escapes as you try to remember. Looking down, you are only dressed in brown rags and no shoes. All around you, wails seem to rip and shred themselves against you seeming to vibrate the cell.
While glancing around you notice that the white polished tiles do nothing to silence the cries from the doomed people beyond them. The muscles in your legs start to twitch in anxiety, the breaths coming on slow and ragged. Sweat beads down your forehead and stings your eyes in salty fear. It's hot and the moans with dueling dimming screams echo from beyond the door-less cell. Counting your breaths, to ease the mind; one, out, two, out and suddenly the lights flicker off above you.
The darkness though quick leaves you shaking in it's embrace and in front of you a hallway appears. You escape the cell and run towards the dimly lit hallway, it's lights on the ceiling casts your shadow on the walls. You are a fleeing form in yellowish light, running in a slumping gait. A door can be seen, metal and corroded, a hope rises giving renewed strength in your flight. You notice the square window on the door, showing at first a faintest jade glow then a head of black hair rising.
Her face seemed a woman with pale blueish gray sky, as if drowned, her raven hair wet casting down to her shoulders. The eyes are closed and for ill reason they are sewn together giving vent to the scream building in your throat. Again, the lights go off, and in your confusion you noticed, you're suddenly in a courtyard. The sky dark and storming, clouds churning, and the dust dervishes sweeps across your feet.
The screams have stopped, even if you can't remember when and there she is again. She is dressed in a long yet tattered black dress. She is taller than you, much taller, her hair in a shroud covering her face. Nothing but silence crossed the distance in the walled space outside the hallway, just dirt packed and cracking beneath your bare feet. You can't move as she float towards you and your body shakes with a cold chill. Now she is at arm's reach with her head lowered as if looking at the round and reaching for you.

She looks at you now a face of pure despair, blues lips in a shape of pain and agony. Nothing behind her sewn shut eyelids, as if no eyes were behind them, her fingers reached now for them. The darkness rushes in from each side of you, leaving the grotesque act in front of you. A strange rotting smell invades your nose and mind, rooting flesh and bile assaults every fiber of sensation. The cell crashes against the darkness, reforming itself around her prying at her eyes as if gouging them out instead of removing the wires. The walls seemed vastly taller and enclosing, your breath catching as her hands lower.
Face to face with your paralyzed body, staring at the ruin of a beautiful face and the hollowed out eyes. Empty and forever is the dark in those eyes, a void so deep that it devours at your very soul. Her pale blue lips opens wide to show a shadow inside there, liquid and alive, rolling at your observation. You finally scream as sickly slick tendrils of black wrap themselves around your head.
A scream as teeth ,from across it's length, bite at the tender flesh of your lips, nose and ears. The pain of having flesh brutally removed and blood gushing into the evil form destroying every inch of skin it can..and then the lights go out.
By S.Gonzalez

The memory of anything before your arrival seems a fog of distant feeling and yet it escapes as you try to remember. Looking down, you are only dressed in brown rags and no shoes. All around you, wails seem to rip and shred themselves against you seeming to vibrate the cell.
While glancing around you notice that the white polished tiles do nothing to silence the cries from the doomed people beyond them. The muscles in your legs start to twitch in anxiety, the breaths coming on slow and ragged. Sweat beads down your forehead and stings your eyes in salty fear. It's hot and the moans with dueling dimming screams echo from beyond the door-less cell. Counting your breaths, to ease the mind; one, out, two, out and suddenly the lights flicker off above you.
The darkness though quick leaves you shaking in it's embrace and in front of you a hallway appears. You escape the cell and run towards the dimly lit hallway, it's lights on the ceiling casts your shadow on the walls. You are a fleeing form in yellowish light, running in a slumping gait. A door can be seen, metal and corroded, a hope rises giving renewed strength in your flight. You notice the square window on the door, showing at first a faintest jade glow then a head of black hair rising.
The screams have stopped, even if you can't remember when and there she is again. She is dressed in a long yet tattered black dress. She is taller than you, much taller, her hair in a shroud covering her face. Nothing but silence crossed the distance in the walled space outside the hallway, just dirt packed and cracking beneath your bare feet. You can't move as she float towards you and your body shakes with a cold chill. Now she is at arm's reach with her head lowered as if looking at the round and reaching for you.

She looks at you now a face of pure despair, blues lips in a shape of pain and agony. Nothing behind her sewn shut eyelids, as if no eyes were behind them, her fingers reached now for them. The darkness rushes in from each side of you, leaving the grotesque act in front of you. A strange rotting smell invades your nose and mind, rooting flesh and bile assaults every fiber of sensation. The cell crashes against the darkness, reforming itself around her prying at her eyes as if gouging them out instead of removing the wires. The walls seemed vastly taller and enclosing, your breath catching as her hands lower.
Face to face with your paralyzed body, staring at the ruin of a beautiful face and the hollowed out eyes. Empty and forever is the dark in those eyes, a void so deep that it devours at your very soul. Her pale blue lips opens wide to show a shadow inside there, liquid and alive, rolling at your observation. You finally scream as sickly slick tendrils of black wrap themselves around your head.

You open your eyes, and ask aloud ,"Where am I?"
The memory of anything before your arrival seems a fog of distant feeling and yet it escapes as you try to remember.
The memory of anything before your arrival seems a fog of distant feeling and yet it escapes as you try to remember.
Posted 15th June 2012 by Steven Gonzalez
It comes from the Void
by S. Gonzalez
Sleep comes,
and brings forth its stains,
The inky darkness trembles my eyelids,
my body feels light and weary,
Sleep comes and rides across my true nature,
Somewhere in my mind is that haunting stream.
A fantasy,
An ecstasy of imagination!
Be my dreams wise, I will wake enlightened.
Be those dreams nightmares, I will be frightened.
Let not the darkness hide the light,
nor my dreams leave me in fight.
Let my visions come boldly and let the Void come slowly,
towards my soul's descending flight.
The Apostle of Dust
By S.Gonzalez
To exhort, teach, and make ready the way,
Use simple rhythm and prose as a play,
To those who seek wisdom in this flesh of dust,
To those who hear, whisper and trust,
Words of caution, just to the weak willed,
run away from here, stop reading, or be stilled,
Reality is just word play,
and nor is it simple,
What is born mortal,
encased and created,
From dust we came,
our bodies mere Daysman,
The soul will return to the dust once again,
Nothing living cheats death,
All life here must end,
Hear now dear Soul,
feel no sadness,
feel no sadness,
I'll show you the plan,
To reach towards the firmament,
Beyond all mortal merriment,
Reaching way deep inside,
Finding that unique knowledge,
and to use it in stride,
You remain you,
And that is a truth,
Just a change in perception,
a sort of different roof,
The sky is the limit and even there still,
You create the landscape,
and exist in one still,
It is a world where light creates light,
Sound produces sound,
and the impossible made possible,
The energy flows there without time,
energy, space and you entwined,
It is the paradox, the collection of dust.
From it we may have came,
some say there is no justice,
some give it no name,
it is our spirit's destination,
creation and mission,
to reach into that world of ideas,
make it real and shape direction,
Sad as it is to say,
words can not show you the way,
only contemplation and it's experimentation,
can make clear the lamentations,
it is the writer's bane, and the reader's irritation.
The Veil
by S. Gonzalez
I am standing before the dark curtain,
A veil of such vast night that no light may escape it,
It has existed beyond my memory,
and my human lifespan will never understand it's magnitude,
It has always been there and shall continue forever,
The Veil is everlasting,
A pure, quiet, almost peaceful infinite night,
My existence is thrown before this monolith,
All that I see has no reach or depth,
I stand before the darkness,
Once the dawn is gone.
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