
The Crossroads
by S.Gonzalez

Standing at the crossroads,
between sentiment and remembrance,
paved road with stones of experience,
harsh and beautiful memories unload,
at the bittersweet crossroads,
last call yells the bartender,
demons inspiring temptation's flair,
solemn friends standing far from me,
can they not see the road so shining,
clear with a lack of sobriety,
decision and opinion hardly remaining,
this somber glow reeks of feeling,
exposed soul left drying, peeling,
nourished by the wetness of a worthy life,
with a touch of storming clouds of strife,
those rays of golden sun's opportunity,
graces to shine down on me,
 at this intertwining crossroads,
present condition escaping me,
at the crossroads of my humanity.