Words to remember:
Perfect: Finished or complete
Existence:a state of being, life
Order: Proper state, established method, public tranquility or division of natural objects
Nature: the universe, total of agencies and forces, the inherent or essential qualities of anything, reality as distinct from that which is artificial.
Perceive,vt: To apprehend by the organs of sense or by the mind; to observe, to discern.
The basis of my work is this;
“We exist within the Cube, inside the Sphere and all of this is held within a Pyramid.”
What this formula implies is that our minds/souls lie within the cube; which represents our experiences here on the physical 3rd dimension. In the Cube, there are dimensions and matter that function in all planes of reality. Time effects matter, moves and shapes it. Directed by force and energy; time and space with it‘s gravity. Our senses function to aid in reality. The Sphere is chaos, constant change and energy.
Rhythm is sequence of Time that exists in Space. Energy occupies Space.
“Perception is reality until otherwise proven.”
These principles exists in the 4th dimension,
Time is energy spent in Space.
Matter’s only role in this equation is, it takes up an area in Space infinite to energy spent.
Energy within matter which occupies Space in an area containing Time exists in Infinity.
Travel is regulated thru the 5-8th dimensions, the strings of each individual is interwoven into the whole of it’s universal location.
Put simply: “Energy is Space within Time occupying the 10th dimension.”
The concept of Sound is it’s ruling factor in Time, it triggers reaction. Time affects Sound and it produces Sight. Sight can trigger a Dimension.
“Things are put into perspective by forcing reason into nonsense.”
“All things in existence must have balance or otherwise, it’s structure is destroyed and lets the Outside in.”
A sanctuary both in the mind and body, it is the third principle in which all work must be done. The Outside is merely the Void, the unknown; an influence from a source outside this reality. It exists because of the first two principals, the Void is the structure of Infinity .Time and Reason do not exist in the pyramid, the cube and the sphere are intertwined, they are two of the same source. Without that sanctuary of balance, the Void would control chaos and order would be overwhelmed.
“Matter in all it’s flesh and blood is energy sealed.”
We exist in matter, it is effected by Time in a Space of constant motion. Humans must learn to alter reality to gain true understanding.

Within the vastness of space, there is fire.