Avatar X Street Fighter
part 2
Beach 12:45pm

He sat there everyday for three days, over an iced coffee and just moping at the dismal rejection by Akuma and Ryu. How could he have lost so utterly that they both expelled him. They memory of the upcoming fight with Sagat weighting heavily on his mind.
"How Father?How will I avenge you now?",tears welled up in his eyes and near by patrons alarmed by the amount of snot bubbling in his nose.
Suddenly a commotion near the shoreline drew attention from the dramatic display. Dan raced out to the quickly storming side, leaping over the wooden rails on to the sand.
"I will show you my power now faceless opponent and I will.." not a word later muttered.
As high above the gleaming smug smile of the shining star of karate, Avatar Korra's landing, ass naked first, towards Dan's forehead.
To be continued....